CharityDEX does not intend to solicit users from within the European Economic Area (EEA) to visit its Websites and Applications. CharityDEX commits to continue to follow safe data handling processes and will follow European data privacy laws and regulations to the extent applicable.
If the processing of your personal information is subject to the GDPR, and your personal information is processed based on legitimate interests you have the right to object to the processing on grounds related to your specific situation.
If the processing of your personal information is subject to the GDPR, you also have certain rights to request to have your personal information deleted, request that your personal information be restricted, and to ask for portability of your personal information.
To the extent they are applicable, you can exercise these rights (including making these requests) by emailing us at Please put the statement "GDPR Privacy Rights" in the subject of your request, as well as your name, country, or region, and enough information to allow us to respond. If your use of our Websites, Applications, or Social Media Sites falls under GDPR regulations that are applicable to us, we agree, subject to any legally permitted exception or extension to respond to access, deletion, rectification, or suspension requests within 30 days of receipt of the request.